Adventures with the Coolest Hermit You know

The last time I wrote a blog it was Remaking Me! and the last post on it was in 2015. (See Here) It was a mixture of things. it had A Bean Counter where I tallied the week in news against the rest of my life and added some humor. I Read books and reviewed them. I talked about my mental health, trying very hard to adjust to life outside the Navy after I attempted to kill myself. I talked about numerous things and I was very satisfied with what I was doing until I stopped talking about it.

A huge part of that was because I started school again and got busy. Things were for a time looking way up. I was getting A's in every class. I had a best friend that totally supported me. I filed for disability and got a huge check for the back pay I was owed and started growing out my hair to deadlock it.

Then everything started to fall apart. My book that I was working so hard to complete stopped giving me inspiration. I quit school. I dumped my friend and became the reclusive nut case writing this blog right now. What happened? I truly don't know. I wish I was paying attention. 

So what am I doing now? Well since 2013 I have been growing my dreadlocks. I adopted two cats, to go with the dog. Since 2014 I've been making jewelry. Since 2015 I reconnected with my Mother, which is always a rocky relationship but still a relationship. I subscribed to Kindle Unlimited and read a book almost every day. Sometimes I even leave a review. 2016 hit me hard financially when the rent was raised on my apartment, I found new ways to stretch my dollar. And just this year, 2017, in the most uncoordinated and haphazard way possible I moved to Mexico.

Sometime after I dumped my Bestie, I stopped going out. I became fearful of the outside world. I felt like I was constantly either in danger of being attacked or being let down. I shut myself away from eh world. I only connected on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram. I had Therapy sessions via video conference and hoped that it was going to help me rejoin the world. I wasn't ready. I'm still not ready, and that's okay. We set some goals that helped me get to a point where I can say that, and I'm fine with this.

What do I want with this blog? I have no idea. I wanted to write again. I wanted to share. I want to connect with strangers and be the next great American over-sharer... Fuck me I don't know. I just wanted to do something in my pace without being distracted by my newsfeed. I want to get into my head a little, and maybe into yours as well.

Maybe I won't have such lofty goals as the Great American Over-Sharer; I'm sure there are plenty of those already. I want to be known by more than the 375 friend I have on Facebook and possibly followed by more than the porn chicks on Instagram. I don't think I want to be "just Tia the jewelry maker," or "Tia the would be writer." I want to know for the rounded, scattered personality that I've been expressing for years. I hope it sticks.


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